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That's because one of the console's best-known games  Super Mario 64  is now💸 very valuable. It's likely worth thousands if you have a sealed copy, but even used versions of the game will💸 net you some quick cash. According to PriceCharting, a brand new boxed-up copy of Super Mario 64 is worthR$3,291.11.
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A sealed copy of video game Super Mario 64 has sold at auction for more thanR$1.5m💸 (1.1m), shattering records. The 1996 cartridge was a launch title for the Nintendo 64 console, and was one of the💸 most influential early 3D platformers.

Call of Duty 2 on Steam. Call of Duty 2 redefines the cinematic intensity and chaos of☀️ battle as seen through the eyes of ordinary soldiers fighting together in epic WWII conflicts.

Call of Duty is a popular video game series known for its realistic depictions of military conflicts.💱 While the games are often inspired by real historical events and settings, they are not based on specific true stories.
Is Call of Duty, a PC game, based on a real story? - Quora
quora : Is-Call-of-Duty-a-PC-game-based-on-a-real-story
Most of the Western Front locations presented in the first two Call of Duty games and the more💱 recent Call of Duty: WWII are quite accurate, especially France. The names of the towns, villages, and even the operations💱 are well-researched (as they should be) and even recreated with decent attention to detail.

Call of Duty is a popular video game series known for its realistic depictions of

ry conflicts. While the games are💸 often inspired by real historical events and

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